Stonewall Regatta
ACBA Boathouse Location:
DC Strokes Rowing Clubs’ boathouse is located in the Anacostia Community Boathouse Association
The formal address is 1900 M ST SE, Washington, DC 20003
Parking for Spectators:
Parking in and around the ACBA boathouse is restricted to boat trailers and vehicles carrying small sculling boats.
Parking is provided for regatta participants and spectators in the upper lot at Maritime Plaza (1201 M Street SE, entrance from the M Street traffic circle). Parking is free and parking monitors will be available to assist you. Please print and bring the a parking pass to display in your vehicle.
No parking is allowed along Water or M Streets, or along the route from Maritime Plaza to the ACB. Vehicles parked outside designated areas risk being towed.
Shuttle service between Maritime Plaza and the boathouse will be provided from 6:00am to 5:00pm.
Parking at the boathouse is for TRAILERS and CAR-TOPPED Shells ONLY! All other vehicles may approach to just under the Pennsylvania Ave Bridge for DROP OFF only, then must go back and park at Maritime Plaza. There will be a shuttle. You must have the PARKING PASS displayed.
Please download the parking pass and directions and shuttle info HERE.
Pre-Regatta Preparation:
Fill out the Stonewall Commitment Survey
RSVP for the event “STONEWALL REGATTA” on TeamSnap (via 2019 Programs) so that you will receive the messages that are sent out via the live event. If you don't rsvp you won't get the updates and messages! (Even if you are not competing, but are coming to watch, rsvp so that you can stay in the loop.)
Sign up on the “Assignment” list to bring food and drinks to the regatta. It will likely be easier to buy any food or drinks in DC rather than transport them across the country.
We are renting boats and equipment, eliminating the need to de-rig and trailer boats.
Coxswains need to bring cox boxes and headsets to the regatta.
Mandatory Practice:
Mandatory Practice: Saturday, June 1st in Washington D.C.
The practice time will be announced by MONDAY MAY 13th. When planning your travel and lodging be sure to include the practice date and time in your plans. This practice is required to participate.
Race Day
Race Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Athlete start time and race times to be announced.
Stonewall Regatta Course Map